What To Consider When Choosing An FBO 

What to Consider When Choosing an FBO 

Choosing the right FBO to meet your needs is a crucial component of a flawless flight experience. The FBO will be the place where your passengers will relax, get refreshed, and go through Customs and Immigration; where your crew will rest, and your aircraft will fuel up, receive maintenance, and restock, if necessary. It plays a pivotal role in private flight as it means avoiding the crowds, queues, and time-wasting associated with airport terminals.  Here are three things to consider when choosing an FBO.
BizAv’s Summer 2022

BizAv’s Summer 2022

Despite commercial airline activity making its global post-pandemic comeback, it’s been a summer of high demand and traffic for business jets. This comes after 2021 saw private jet usage soar to its highest level on record. WingX recorded 3.3 million business jet take-offs in 2021, the most for a single year and 7% more than the previous high in 2019. So business jet travel is booming, and no one involved in the industry will be surprised.


自国际航空运输协会 (IATA) 成员航空公司承诺到 2050 年实现净零排放以来,已经快一年了。航空公司的承诺不仅是因为客户的需求,也是因为投资者的需求。先进技术、碳抵消、新基础设施、运营效率,当然还有可持续航空燃料 (SAF) 的结合将促进净零排放之旅。但是,不仅仅是航空公司的政策使这成为可能。


Creating A Sustainable Future For Business Aviation

Creating a Sustainable Future for Business Aviation

EBACE, like all other major industry events, is the perfect opportunity to inspire idea-sharing and create synchronicities. We at UAS wanted to bring different experts together to share their visions and hopes for the future, to give their companies a platform, and to support their ambitions to bring our industry forward. Therefore, we created The Forward Discussion and invited diverse experts to join us at our booth and discuss some of the most prominent trends in business aviation. Our second panel centered on sustainability and posed the question: How can we create a sustainable future for business aviation?
Greater China And APAC Generally Weathered Pandemic Well In 2021

Greater China and APAC Generally Weather Pandemic Well in 2021

Having great industry data and insight available and easily accessible is such amazing support because it inspires market confidence, informs strategy, and—most importantly—creates a supportive community. Asian Sky Media’s latest fleet report for 2021 is a good example of this. It provides a comprehensive and in-depth examination of the Asia Pacific fleet so readers get all of the information to consider. The other extremes are agenda-based headlines and clickbait which misleads and doesn’t give the full picture.
The Right Fuel Partner Can Make Or Break An Operator. Jet Fuel Consumption Represents The Largest Outgoing For Airlines And Operators. According To Statista, Commercial Airlines Used 95 Billion Gallons (431 Billion Liters) Of Fuel In 2019. This Dropped To 52 Billion Gallons In 2020 But Has Been Consistently On The Rise Again Ever Since The Height Of The Pandemic. Cost Efficiency Has Never Been So Important, So I’m Sharing Five Questions To Ask Yourself To Make Sure You Choose The Right Jet Fuel Partner To Meet Your Needs.

Choosing the Right Jet Fuel Partner

The right fuel partner can make or break an operator. Jet fuel consumption represents the largest outgoing for airlines and operators. According to Statista, commercial airlines used 95 billion gallons (431 billion liters) of fuel in 2019. This dropped to 52 billion gallons in 2020 but has been consistently on the rise again ever since the height of the pandemic. Cost efficiency has never been so important, so I’m sharing five questions to ask yourself to make sure you choose the right jet fuel partner to meet your needs.