Flying To Germany

Flying to Germany

Anyone wishing to enter Germany must meet specific health screening requirements that vary depending on the risk level attributed to the country from which they are traveling. A pre-departure testing requirement applies to all inbound passengers, whether they are onboard…



计划前往卡塔尔旅行的乘客和运营商应了解以下健康检查协议。卡塔尔目前正在接纳: 卡塔尔国民 卡塔尔公民的子女和配偶 永久居留许可持有人 目前在...

Flying To Vietnam

Flying to Vietnam

Inbound commercial flights to Vietnam remain suspended until further notice, except those repatriating Vietnamese citizens back home. Right now, the only passengers being accepted into Vietnam are those on diplomatic or official duty, those attending important foreign affairs events, experts,…
